Anca Murgoci
Colectia Ancai Murgoci – FUTURE TRIBES – dezvaluie multitudinea trairilor si efectelor pe care lumea le are asupra ei, Creatorul. Totul se petrece intr-o lume in care barierele geografice si culturale dispar datorita informatiei care circula liber, datorita usurintei cu care ne putem deplasa. Se impletesc traditii si obiceiuri iar noi suntem deschisi si doritori de nou.
The collection in the theme reveals the multitude of experiences and effects that the world has on me, the Creator. Everything is happening in a world where the geographical and cultural barriers disappear due to the free flow of information, due to the ease with which we can travel. Traditions and customs are blended and we are open and willing of new.
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