I am no perfect, but i know how to fit perfectly.
and i know it from my maker who’s a complex,
passionate and itriguing woman, and she has
a certain sense, she just feels these kind of things,
for sure!
so lets give me a try!
take me and who knows, you’ll might just use me…
and if it feels this good getting used, oh,
you just keep on using me until you use me up!
(that’s from my theme song btw.. use me by bill withers)
let’s see what does the mirror say..
if u feel stronger when with me, thats because
i carry woven deep into my fabrics and drawn
into my cuts, the wit and strength and boldness
of my maker.
if you feel more beautiful, well that is because
you are, my dear.. but also because i was made
and tought to know and feel how to best showcase
and translate beauty, emotion and mood.
if you feel somehow special, somehow different,
like it shows that you belong to a certain type
of someone.. someone who has the eye for details,
the mind for subtle hints and meanings, someone
who understands, appreciates and supports creativity,
design and urban culture, someone who is natural
and feels free of what people might think or say,
who likes to be dressed or draped with the same
freedom of mind, and motion, and touch, and feel…
well, if you feel all that, than we might become
the best of friends. as you well know, beauty
and mistery go hand in hand together,
and dressing up is all about how it makes you feel
and how it empowers you and it most often
reveals much more about your femininity
than would do legs or boobs.
that is why I am here, that is why i was made for.
and that is why there are many more to follow…
some sooner and some later,
when they’ll feel right and ready
and not when trends or seasons
might change or summon them.
because we are all made of emotion, and passion
and we carry that within us and we share it,
much longer than a season or a trend,
and much closer to a cetrain age or peroid,
or to a mood or mindset…
or who knows, maybe a for lifetime.
so, take me with you if you feel alike
and we might become the best of friends,
we’ll spend a lot of special times together,
we’ll care about and for eachother,
like it was meant for us to be as one.
untitled & seasonless by adina grapa Cluj Napoca, nov.2017