Colectia DEMBROIDER are drept punct de plecare evolutia multiculturala a tehnicilor si motivelor broderiei manuale, oferind reinterpretari neconventionale ale unora dintre cele mai populare. Aceasta este compusa din 6 tinute a caror centru de interes il reprezinta jachetele brodate, suprapuse unor constructii monocrome, minimaliste, menite sa scoata in evidenta decoratiile si tiparele neconventionale ale acestora.
DEMBROIDER collection is based on the evolution of handmade embroidery techniques and motifs troughout history, providing unusual reinterpretations for some of the most widely known ones. It’s composed of six outfits that all have an embroidered jacket as an object of interest – for the decorations and unusal patterns to have their way, the rest of the ensemble is made of monochrome, mostly minimal objects.
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