Romanian Fashion Philosophy 2016 – Geta Marin & Catch Michelle
Romanian Fashion Philosophy 2016 – Geta Marin & Catch Michelle @ Palatul Bragadiru Bucharest
Romanian Fashion Philosophy A|W 2016: 12-14 Octombrie, Palatul Bragadiru
Romanian Fashion Philosophy A/W 2016 The first edition of Romanian Fashion Philosophy will take place in Bucharest between October 12th to 14th . The host will be the luxurious Bragadiru Palace, located in the heart of Bucharest: 147-153 Rahova Alley, Bucharest. During the three event days, Romanian Fashion Philosophy will bring together fashion and music, performers, models, […]
Casting Romanian Fashion Philosophy
Fashion Philosophy te invită la casting , sâmbătă și duminică, 24 și 25 Septembrie, în București, la Palatul Bragadiru din Calea Rahovei 147-153, între orele 12.00 și 14.00.